File preparation


When developing a script type extension, create a development folder in any location and prepare the following files.

  • Required files
    • Manifest file (manifest.json) ・・・ Extension definition
    • Script file ・・・ C# script file which is the entry point
    • Locale file (locale.*.json) ・・・ Definitions for each localized language (required only for multilingual support)

For example, when developing an extension named helloworld using the script method, the basic file structure is as follows.

        locale.en.json (for multilingual support)
        locale.ja.json (for multilingual support)

Manifest file

  • Every Next Design extension must have one file named manifest.json. This is called a manifest.
  • This manifest has the following definitions.
    • Extension overview
    • File name as entry point
    • life cycle
    • Extension points for UI, events, and commands
  • Use UTF-8 as the character code of the manifest file.
  • Prepare the icon image on the ribbon specified in the manifest as a PNG format file.


    "name": "HelloWorld",
    "main": "main.cs",
    "lifecycle": "application",

    "extensionPoints": {


Script file

  • Implement the handler called from the extension point defined in the manifest in the script file.
  • A file that implements a handler called from an extension point is called an entry point.
  • Only one entry point can be specified in the manifest. All handlers must be implemented in one entry point.


Locale file (optional)

  • If the extension supports multiple languages, define a locale file named locale.{lang}.json for each localized language.
